Sunday 27 December 2009


I can remember as a child that Christmas was always very exciting. It started with going to midnight mass and walking back along cold icy pavements and me looking for any sign of Santa's sleigh going along the road. When we got in, I would usually have a bowl of tomato soup, before being sent off to bed!

Christmas day was always hectic with empty boxes all over the place and sweet wrappers! we always had Turkey and all the trimmings and Christmas pudding for 'afters'! My dad always insisted that we watch the Queen on TV!

Boxing day was always spent at grandma's. That meant a house full of children running around and the men roasting Chestnuts on the large log fire. The ladies of the family got all the tea ready and we all sat around a large table. Later pots of tea would come out and bottles of Sherry and Port. It is the only time I remember Grandma having Alcohol and that was at Christmas.

This year has been the first time ever that I did not eat Turkey! It made a very nice change!

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