Saturday, 4 July 2009

My house-My home

When you have been living in your house for 31 years it is very much your home. When someone tells you that your house will be knocked down it is very upsetting.
Let me explain....
My local authority owned, 3 bed roomed house was built 31 years ago. It is actually a maisonette, which is just like a house with upstairs and downstairs. The big difference is,there is another two floored property on top of mine. That is where the problems begin..There is dampness from the balconies above and there has been a lot of anti social behaviour connected to the way the properties have been built. Some from the neighbours above and some from people out in the neighbourhood.Many people have left the area because of it. The roads layout have made it difficult for traffic to move around the area and in and out of the area.
Nottingham city council have decided to regenerate the area by making lots of changes over a long period of time. So subject to funding my house will be knocked down. The people of the area are being kept fully informed of what is happening and we are being fully consulted on the plans. We are being asked what we want to see in our area.

My home
What does this mean for me? Well I can tell you I feel very upset that where I live is to be knocked down. Everything that has happened to me in 31 years has happened here in this place- my home. I will always have my memories but it is very sad to think that this place will be changed for ever.
A new home
I will be able to have like for like. In other words a 3 bed roomed property. This is because we are told we are going to have to move. It would be very unfair to move someone out of a property and tell them they have to live in a smaller property. I will also be able to stay in my area and live in one of the new properties if I so wish...and I do wish to live in a new house! No noisy neighbours above stopping me sleeping! I feel that if they want to knock mine down to build a new one then I should be offered a new one! So I am happy about that. I have been praying for a long time not to have people living above me, so for me it is an answer to PRAYER.

New shops
There are going to be new shops built and the area will be more welcoming to visitors and people who may want to live here. Travel will be easier and there will be new bus and tram routes.
Leisure facilities will be improved and better use made of the Embankment area with new facilities being built.

I think for some time it will be like living on a building site! I am sure it will be worth it in the end!

Time Scale
When is all this going to happen? Well lots of things have started already with the plans and preparations. The main knocking down of properties may start in 3 years time and must be finished 5 years after that. So not long really, but long enough for me to get my 31 years of clutter sorted out! I have been watching all the TV programmes on de cluttering and think I know what I need to do! I am ready for me and Chris to have a new home that is 'ours.' Everything here is mine as I have lived here longest. Chris came here when we got married in 1997 and it will be good to choose furniture e.t.c for our new home.
Hope we can agree on what we want...I think that will be a post for another day!....


  1. Gosh exciting times even if alittle unsettling. Good luck with it.

  2. Thanks for the comment. It is unsettling! I have lots to keep me busy over the next few years anyway! I know God is with me and that's all I need! XX
