Sunday, 30 June 2013

Armed Forces Day Nottingham

I really enjoyed Armed Forces day yesterday...

I loved every minute of Armed Forces day, held here in Nottingham.
 I was looking forward to seeing the fly pasts, as it took me back to when I was a child and was taken to air shows by my parents and grandparents at Hucknall, Notts.

As I live close to where the events took place at Victoria embankment, I did not have to get up too early and was there within a few minutes of leaving home! A bit like the Red Arrrows who only took a few minutes to get here from their air base!
I mostly stood next to the arena and watched most of the events there, which put me in a great position for the aircraft flying over.
I got a lump in my throat as I watched the most fantastic Red Arrows. They fly with such expertise and in perfect formation, I am a big fan! I have not been to an air show for some time and think I need to find one to go to! The Tornado's came next and were also amazing as they flew in perfect formation. I was so excited to see the parachute team come down and hear about how they are used to drop into enemy territory...

On the ground I loved seeing the search and rescue dog team and hearing about how they are trained and what they do. The civilian Lancers team on horseback were very good, showing some of the history of battle. 
The young team from Loughborough grammar school were great the way they showed how to work as a team.

The Dakota, Lancaster bomber and spitfires took my breath away as they flew over several times very low..they were great to see. Several people around me were saying"Wow" over and over.. me included! I did not get to stay for the whole day and missed some great action from the river and horseback. I did however just see the helicopter(s?) from my bedroom window!
I am so proud of my city of Nottingham and the area I live in The Meadows, I believe we welcomed everyone that came here. I am so thankful that people travelled here to show their support for the men and women of the forces who risk their lives to protect others and fight for freedom. Many. many thanks to them and all the fallen who have served our united Kingdom and allies.
As a Christian, I pray for peace..