Sunday, 12 February 2012

The Initial Demolition Notice

We have received the initial demolition notice...
The initial demolition notice arrived a few weeks ago and is valid for five years. We will hear soon what the time scale is going to be for the works to be carried out. I think it might take me that long to sort all my paper work type clutter out!!! I have been trying to do bits, but prefer to have nothing else planned so I can concentrate on the job in hand! At the moment I have my job to go to (thankfully) so do not have lots of spare time!

There are a huge amount of people that will be rehoused across the city and this will all take some time, so there is no rush! I do know from past experience how the time can appear to go quicker than you thought it would, so hopefully won't be leaving it all to the last minute.

I have my plan...plenty of boxes, labels, pens. I must make sure that the kettle and cups wont get buried! Tea is  a must when packing things away and doing BIG house jobs!
Before all that we will need to find a new house/bungalow e.t.c to move to! The local council will help us to do that.
I would love it if God blessed us with our very own home in a village somewhere beautiful...
The backdrop would be trees and the view from the front would be the sea or river/stream or both!
I can dream.....
God will bless us where ever we will be and I am very thankful.