Saturday, 24 December 2011

Dear Jesus...

Dear Jesus,
                 Thank you for looking after us again this year.
This year has been full of challenges but also full of blessings. You have helped us through very difficult times, starting with our flooded out house. We were blessed by you as our family and friends helped us cope with the devastation.
You sent our family to help restore our house.

It was great to have help when the new carpets were fitted and our house felt like a home again.

When Chris lost his job in May, you helped us by making sure the bills were paid and that we had food on the table. You are continuing to help us this Christmas as we continue to go through challenging times. 
We have been truly blessed by you and I personally feel much closer to you as I continue to put my trust in you completely.
We are going to celebrate your birthday with our family and want to say "Happy Birthday Jesus"
Lots and lots of love Ann and Chris