Saturday, 15 January 2011

Monday 27th December 2010 -The day the water came down

Monday 27th December, bank holiday Monday, 5:40am, I woke up to hear water pouring down outside my window, I thought it was rain...
I woke up and heard what I thought was rain pouring down the window. I got out of bed and went over to the window to look out and was amazed to see water covering the entire window. I pushed the window open and leaned out to look down and saw huge amounts of water splashing down onto the path below. I then looked up and saw water pouring out from under the roof tiles. I quickly closed the window and woke Chris up. He went upstairs to the neighbour who lives above us to try and alert them to what was happening but no one was there.
As I put the phone down, after speaking to the council repairs team, water started to drip through the bedroom ceiling...

Water started to pour through both bedroom ceilings at five different places, including light fittings, after about half an hour. We turned the electric off then started grabbing buckets, bowls, pans, anything that could possibly catch water. By this time water appeared in the lounge and dining room drenching everything it came in contact with...Beds, carpets, wardrobe,clothing e.t.c Water poured down the walls.The more we emptied the containers the quicker they seemed to fill up..
We had to give up at this point, the damage was done...and it was bank holiday Monday...
I have never seen anything like it in my life! The repairs team reached us Four hours later..the water continued to drain through for four days..

Thankfully we were not hurt and did not lose anything of sentimental value and we are insured. The mental scars are something else though...
I am very thankful for all the help and support we have been receiving and for Cara looking after us so well when we had nowhere to sleep.
We have been both totally shaken up by it all but are aware that God has been keeping us safe and is blessing us in so many ways.
The big clean up is ongoing but one day soon we will have a nice new bed to snuggle into and the day the water came down will become a distant memory...