I need to do a new post as February is almost out!...
This year is already going quite fast! last Tuesday was my birthday..still 50 something!
Chris is going to have his op this coming Tuesday and Mothers day and St Patricks day is following close behind! (not forgetting Chris's birthday!) Soon it will be Spring then Easter and we will be a quarter of the way through the year...almost!
It all feels a bit like a race!
I have entered to do the sport relief mile in Nottingham, walking it!
I am doing the one mile. I do hope some of you will sponsor me or even come and join me..it will be a great time!
I was greatly encouraged by a lady called Rachel Hickson, who came to talk to the ladies of the (church) house on Friday. If you get the chance to hear her speak, do go you will be blessed!
Hopefully longer blog next time, God willing!