I have been having a stressful time over the last few months and would not have got through it all without Jesus...
Those of you that have been reading my Blogs and follow me on Twitter will know what has been on my mind and what has been happening to me...
I would not have been able to be on this journey without Jesus. It is a journey because I am still on it and it will be some time before I reach my destination.
When I heard the Gospel of John, I knew inside myself that it was the truth. Something struck me deep down inside and I had no doubts that what I was hearing was real and true. It was not a decision like whether I believed or not, it was something that was there inside me. Then I made the decision to follow Jesus. I am so glad I did, because he guides my every step.
I have been upset with myself over being so stressed but God has never left my side and he has guided me to read his word and reminded me that I should not worry about anything as he has the best plans for me. I know this is true and feel a lot more secure on my journey as I know that Jesus is with me very step of the way.
Photo taken 1st August 2009 at the Riverside festival Nottingham