Saturday, 27 June 2009

A strange week

This week has been a very strange week! Full of mixed emotions and happenings! It all started on Monday...


I got up on Monday morning and felt really happy that it was Monday! I never usually like Monday mornings much!! I should have known something strange was going on!

I was just about to go out to work and the postman came... In the letter was information about the redevelopment of the area I live in and a plan showing where homes are to be knocked down and new ones built.

MY home looks like it's coming down!

When?...You might ask!.... Not sure...but sometime in the not too distant future!

All sorts of emotions went through me, sadness, anticipation, fear.... what does all this mean for me, who has lived in this home for 31 years?


I woke up on Tuesday having had a bad night thinking about the news from Monday.. I heard Chris say that he felt ill and weak. Chris does not have time off from work very often, he is almost always at work, so I knew he must have felt ill and he looked unwell.

Wednesday and Thursday..

Chris was still unwell and I carried on worrying about him and the house! By the end of Thursday I had it all worked out in my mind..We would temporarily move house then move into a new house and it would all be great!


I woke up on Friday to find Chris looking really ill..He certainly had something..Flu? a chest infection? I'm not sure which, but I got straight onto the doctor and my work to tell them I would not be in. The news about Michael Jackson (see previous post) came as a big shock also.


How could it go from being bright and happy on Monday morning and being very worried by today?.. I know God has been speaking to me about changes and I trust him completely. I know Gods plans will prosper me and not harm me. I am praying that Chris will be much better by Monday..
Photo taken last summer in Newark Notts 2008
Thankyou to my son and friends on Twitter for helping me feel happier about things! XXXX

Friday, 26 June 2009

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | World mourns pop legend Jackson

BBC NEWS Entertainment World mourns pop legend Jackson

I don't need to say much to this news except it is very sad news. I am praying for the Jackson family. XXXX

Saturday, 20 June 2009


Twitter has amazed me! I joined as someone else in the family had joined! They don't write anything and I am always writing something!

I go on Twitter fairly regularly. Sometimes I get bored with it but mostly enjoy 'chatting' to people! The most amazing thing is that I 'chat' to people from all walks of life,that I would not have met otherwise. Most people are friendly and caring. Some people are not so nice and try to upset everyone and try to follow others. That's where the BLOCK button comes in useful!

I don't think I would have joined up to other sites and become more confident on the Internet if I had not the help of other Twitter users!
Thank you for your encouragement!
Now I have a request! If you have read this will you please leave me a little comment so I know someone is reading this!

Thank you!! X

Monday, 8 June 2009

Christian Centre, Nottingham :: A vibrant Church in the heart of Nottingham

This is where I go to church. It is where I am in fellowship with other Christians. For me it is meeting friends and sharing what God has been doing in our lives over the past week.
I enjoy the worship and feel very close to Jesus at this time. There is excellent teaching by several different ministers. We pray and afterwards we go for coffee and a biscuit or two!

Most of all I ALWAYS hear from God, whether it is confirmation of something or a completely new message, I always learn something. There is time for laughter and sometimes times for tears. I ALWAYS come away knowing God loves me and am ready to face a new week.

I could not live my life without Jesus and am so thankful to be a christian born again.
Christian Centre, Nottingham :: A vibrant Church in the heart of Nottingham